In places where cold air comes into contact with moist air (condensation of water vapor), fog forms in the ground air. Condensation begins with a small amount of moisture and gradually a small mist forms. Increasing humidity accelerates condensation and mist turns into fog. The conditions necessary for the formation of fog are achieved by adding moisture to the air or lowering the air temperature. Fogs are frequent occurrences in autumn and winter and occur in the interior of the country, most often during the morning when the weather conditions are stable. The wind also affects the fog, because if it is too strong, it will dissolve the fog, which will turn into a cloud. The stability of the fog depends on the properties of the droplets, their quantity and their electric charge.
Near the coast of Newfoundland, fog is created in a particularly interesting way. In that area, the moist air passes over the cold water that moves from the arctic parts to the south, and then the coldness of the water condenses the moisture of the air into small water droplets, which are not large enough to fall as rain, but remain in the air as fog.